Grygoriev Yu.I. Analysis of theory and methodology for evaluating combined man-made and natural deposits mining
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 110
UDC 622.271.3
Grygoriev Yu.I. (SE «SPI «Krivbassproekt»)
Abstract. State of combined mining of deposits in Krivoy Rog iron ore basin is presented. The author identifies potential sources for man-made deposit formation in the iron-ore mining and processing enterprises and key trends of the deposit combined opening.
Main criteria for evaluating project decisions at combined mining of man-made and natural deposits were studied in full details, including: minimal commercial content of useful component, coefficient of quality, cost coefficient and stripping coefficient, as well as their analytic interdependence.
It was found that basic parameters of surface mining operations at combined mining of man-made and natural deposits are depended on each other by minimal commercial content of the useful component.
The findings present theoretical basis for improving methods of specifying main parameters of surface mining operations at combined mining of deposits.
Keywords: Integrated development of deposits, man-made deposit, natural deposit, the criterion of evaluation.
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About the authors:
Grygoriev Iulian Igorevich, Doctoral Student, Engineer in open-pit mining, State Design Institute" Krivbassproject "(SE «SDI «Krivbassproekt»), Kriviy Rig, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .