Kuzmenko A.M., Petlyovany M.V. Situation and trends of stowing development in underground mines of Ukraine
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 110
UDC 622.273.217.4
Kuzmenko A.M., D. Sс. (Tech.), Professor (NGU)
Petlyovany M.V. (NGU)
Abstract. This article presents analytical findings on stowing operations used by modern mines in the world and Ukraine in particular. Importance of waste-fill mining is shown. Composition of consolidating stowing mixture is analyzed, and it is stressed that, as a cementing component, priority is given today to cements, tails and sands but in case of big spaces to be backfilled it is reasonable to use cementing slag. The authors show that choice of consolidating stowing mixture strength depends on the depth of mining operations. Trend of increasing consumption of cementing component in the stowing compositions shows a necessity in further scientific search of new economical ways of improving strength of the filled space. Commercial potential of resumed stowing operations in Krivbass mines is considered in order to extract deep-seated natural rich ores. The authors consider various variants of possible components of the stowing mixture consisting of cement, slag, waste rocks (tailings) in order to simplify a scheme of stowing complex in the Krivbass mines. They also focus attention on importance of further improving of schemes for preparation of consolidating stowing mixtures, usage of up-to-date crushing machines, and further studying of effective dispersion of cementing component. The paper presents findings on obtaining similar stowing strength at different dispersibility and consumption of cementing component resulting in more effective crushing process.
Keywords: Filling works, strength of hardening backfill, system design mining method with hardening backfill, backfill preparing scheme.
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About the authors:
Kuzmenko Alexander Mykhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Underground Mining Department, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" (SHEI “NMU”), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Petlyovany Mikhail Vladimirovich, assistant of Underground Mining Department, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University" (SHEI “NMU”), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .