Turchin Y.Y. Study of ground water impact on the rate of pit levels stripping
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 110
UDC 622.27
Turchin Y.Y. (SHEI «KNU»)
Abstract. Mining industry analysis shows that increase of open pit depth and sizes by day surface results in growing number of periodic flooding of the deep horizons by storm and ground waters. At the same time, existing technologies for horizon preparation are rather dangerous and not effective enough at open stripping of the deep water-bearing horizons. Thus, designing and implementation of safety and resource-saving technologies for deep horizon opening with partial or full pit bottom flooding is an important scientific and practical problem.
Factors influencing on rate of level stripping are analyzed in this paper. Rate of trench driving under conditions of ground water flooding is defined. A new combined technological scheme is offered for trench driving by hydraulic excavators with trenching shovel and by mechanical excavators. The proposed technological solutions will be effective and safety for the pit deepening in case of pit flooding by ground waters.
Keywords: horizons striping, rate of a trench driving, ground water.
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About the authors:
Turchin Yurey Yuryevich, Postgraduate Student of Open Pit Mining Department State Higher Educational Institution «Kryviy Rih National University» (SHEI “KNU”), Kryviy Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .