Iyaroshevich I. N. Podrezenko I. N., Pigulevsij P. I. Optimum conditions for water intake at deepening of severnyy quarry, Komsomolsk city, to the (-50 m) horizon

UDC 556.3.01:504.06

Iyaroshevich I. N. (IPNME, NAS of Ukraine)

Podrezenko I. N., Ph. D. (geol.-min.) (IPNME, NAS of Ukraine)

Pigulevsij P. I., D.Sc. (geol.), Senior Researcher (IPNME, NAS of Ukraine)

Abstract. Basing on analysis of geographical location of the deposit, lay of land, location of main water artery of the region, climatic conditions, long-term data of meteorological observations, results of chemical analysis of groundwater and the Kalmius River, and fundamental geological, hydrogeological, hydrochemical studies, the authors explain a mechanism of forming areas with high water content and, consequently, a mechanism of interaction between the water-consuming objects in the “sump-water intake” system. Both mechanisms are used for prognostic assessing resource sufficiency of the quarry at its further deepening. Basing on the mechanism of forming areas with high water content, and taking into account location coordinates, a priority is set for infiltration for recharging wells in the municipal water-intake system with appropriate subordination of water  supply into the quarry. Nature of karst formations in Karakubskiy limestone deposit was studied and their importance for hydrodynamic processes in the Severnyy quarry was confirmed.

Keywords:  Water intake, stone-pit, pumping, resource, karst.


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About the authors:

Iyaroshevich Irina Nikolaevna, Engineer of 2 category in Department of Human-Induced Changes in the Geological Environment, Institute of Problems of Nature Management and Ecology under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPNME NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Podrezenko Igor Nikolaevich, Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, Senior Researcher in Department of Human-Induced Changes in the Geological Environment, Institute of Problems of Nature Management and Ecology under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPNME NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Pigulevsij Petr Ignatevich, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher  in Department of Human-Induced Changes in the Geological Environment, Institute of Problems of Nature Management and Ecology under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPNME NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, http://ippenan.com.