Zabolotnaya Yu.A. Formation of disturbed rock zones while winning in faces with weak adjoining rocks

UDC 622.831.2


Zabolotnaya Yu.A. (SHEI «NGU»)


Formation of local unloaded zones in the coal seam selvage is considered in the article. Disturbance of coal seam and enclosing rocks was studied in the faces of stopes and preparatory roadways in the Western Donbass mines. In situ observations were carried out in order to  detect any technogeneous rock fracturing and to measure the cracks opening and rate of the rock displacement. Presence of unloaded zone was confirmed by formation of technogeneous cracks. Dependence of unloaded zone size on the depth of mining operations was determined. While winning, a high rock pressure zone is presented by unloaded zone and high-pressure zone. Presence of unloaded zone nearby with the edge of winning works will allow to adjust width of the bearing-pressure zone and to plan differentially tunnel supports in zones with high rock pressure.

Keywords: bearing pressure zone width, discharge zone, anthropogenic cracks.


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About the author:

Zabolotnaya Yuliya Aleksandrovna, Doctoral Student of the Department of Mine Surveying, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI “NMU”), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .