Naduty V.P., Malanchuk Ye. Z., Erpert A.M. Regressive modelling of the tuff crushing district work within the ore-pretreatment cycle for further tuff complex processing
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 112
UDC [622. 732:621.4:621. 926].001.57
V.P. Naduty, D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor
(IGTM, NAS of Ukraine),
Ye. Z. Malanchuk, Ph.D. (Tech.)
(National university of water management
and nature resources use, Rovno),
A.M. Erpert, Ph.D. (Tech.)
The article describes results of regressive modeling which presents work of the crushing district as a part of manufacturing scheme of complex processing and preparation of basalt and its further enrichment with the aim to extract titaniferous magnetite and native copper. The authors obtained experimental dependencies of the size distribution on the sizes of the jaw crusher and dependencies of the jaw crusher productivity on the size of a discharging slot. Results of the tuff distribution by size classes after the roll crusher with discharging slot of 3,0 mm are shown depending on size of initial weight supplied from of the jaw crusher. Graphics of these results are analyzed.
Keywords: jaw crusher, roll crusher, size distribution, mathematical model.
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About the author:
NadutyVladimirPetrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Head of Department of Geodynamic Systems and Vibration Technologies, M.C. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Malanchuk Yevgeniy Zinovyevich, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National university of water management and nature resources use, Rovno, Ukraine.
Erpert Alexandr Mikhajlovich,Ph.D. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Establishment is the "National Mining University", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.