Krasnik V.G. Influence of the tool shape and location of cutters in it on the force distribution between the cutters at drilling gas-drainage boreholes
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 112
UDC 622.23.054
V.G. Krasnik, D. Sc. (Tech.)
(SP «STC «Ugleinnovacija»)
Abstract. Contacting features between the cutter system and rocks at drilling rocks and coals, impact of the cutter wear on redistribution of axial thrust between the cutters, and impact of the cutter relative position on the tool surface on the character of the cutter destruction in process of the rock drilling were studied with the help of mathematical modeling of process of contacting interaction between the system of cutters in the boring tool and the rocks. The equations obtained were used for studying a process of rock-induced wearing of the cutters in augering machines. A complete set of equations was formulated for studying a process of interaction between the cutting elements of multiblade boring tool and the rocks.
Keywords: system of cutters, coal drilling, mathematical modeling, drilling of gas-drainage boreholes.
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About the author
Krasnik Vjacheslav Grigorjevich,Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), State enterprise «Scientific and technical center «Ugleynnovatsyya», deputy of director general, Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.