Averin G.V., Zviyagintseva A.V. Application of data mining techniques for the assessment of Ukraine development
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2013, Issue 112
UDC 303.732.4:332.1
G.V. Averin, D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor,
A.V. Zviyagintseva, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor
The possibility of applying data mining techniques (DM) is shown that differs by a high level of understanding of information for the study of the socio-economic development of countries. As the initial information the database of the United Nations Development Program was used for the analyzes. A model of countries' development was built using the method of multidimensional scaling on attribute indicators of the system and application of DM algorithms to calculate the statistical probability distribution of observed in the set of indicators of countries' development. A method for determining the entropy and potential of the development of objects was proposed. Computational experiments were carried out and countries' development ranks were determined as well as the ranks of the pace of development. The evaluation of the development of Ukraine was carried out in comparison with the major countries of the world.
The results obtained can be used for strategic planning and forecasting of the development of Ukraine.
data mining, country development models, strategic assessment, countries' ranks, Ukraine development pace.
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2. Averin, G.V. (2012), «Fundamental models in common theory of systems: the law of quantity to quality transition», Zbirnik naukovirh prac DNTU: Sistemniy analyz ta informatsiyni tekhnologii v naukakh pro prirodu ta suspilstvo, no. 1(2) – 2(3), - pp. 6 - 52.
About the authors:
AverinGennadiyViktorovich, Dr.Sc., professor, head of the computer systems for monitoring department of State Higher Educational Establishment «The National Technical University» of Ukraine (SHEE «DonNTU» Ukraine), averin@donntu.edu.ua
Zviagintseva Anna Victorovna, PhD, associate professor with the department of computer systems for monitoring of State Higher Educational Establishment «The National Technical University» of Ukraine (SHEE «DonNTU» Ukraine), Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.