Labinskiy K.N. Researching of impact of shock-wave in the blast-hole gap on a detonation completeness of the blast-hole charge
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 115
UDC 622.235+622.236.4
K.N. Labinskiy, Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor
Specificities of the shock-wave propagation in the blast-hole gap at the channel effect are considered. A mechanism of the channel effect which impacts on the blast-hole charge at its detonation is specified. It is stated that when a time period of the excess ( more than critical) pressure action increases a diameter of the blasting agent can essentially decrease. In this case a defining factor is an impact of the external pressure on the charge detonation stability. A critical length of the blasting agent charge in the bottom of the blast-hole, where the breaking of the detonation is possible, is specified. This critical length of the charge depends of charging coefficient and can be in range from 4,5% to 20% of its full length.
shock wave, channel effect, blast-hole charge, breaking of detonation.
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2. Artyomenko, I.A. (1950), Issledovaniye skorosti shpurovykh zaryadov antigryzutnikh vzryvchatikh veshchestv [Researching of speed of detonation of blast-hole charges of preventive explosives], Ugletekhizdat, Moskow, SU.
3. Bauman, K. (1962), Issledovaniye skorosti detonacii vzryvchatikh veshchestv v usloviyakh gornykh rabot [Researching of speed of detonation of explosives in conditions of coal mines], Gosgortekhizdat, Moskow, SU.
About the author
Labinsky Konstantyn Nikolayevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the department «Building of mines and underground buildings» of the Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU), Donetsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .