Korol A.Yu. Regular deformation of the rock massif around a single mine tunnel at its floor quelling

UDC 622.023.2:553.063.4


A.Yu. Korol, M.Sc. (Tech.),

(SC “Mine “Dimitrova” of the SOC “Krasnoarmeyskugol”)


The article presents methods for numerical simulation of the floor quelling in the mine tunnels.  Basing on analysis of geomechanical models, a bifurcation theory of the floor quelling in the tunnels was created. A numerical geomechanical model of the tunnel floor quelling was investigated with the help of the software Phase 2 designed by the Canadian company Rockscience. The process of modeling consisted of several stages. Stability of a single tunnel was simulated at the first stage, and adherent tunnels were modeled at the second stage. An impact of the approaching longwall face was assessed at the third stage. As a result of the research, it is stated that just after the moment of the floor quelling (a bifurcation point), geomechanical parameters of the elastic and plastic state of the massif in the tunnel roof and walls are still the same while these parameters in the floor continue to grow by a nonlinear rule.

The findings allow to work out practical measures for controlling a process of the floor quelling.


floor quelling, elastic and plastic stability of the rock massif around a mine tunnel, numerical simulation, finite element model, bifurcation point.


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About the author

Korol Anna Yuryevna, Deputy Director on economic affairs, SC “Mine “Dimitrova” of the state-owned company “Krasnoarmeyskugol’ ”, Dimitrov, Donetsk region, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.