Baranov V.A. Impact of the rock composition and conditions of their formation on their properties

UDC 551.352:552.14              


V.A. Baranov , D. Sc (Geol.), Senior Researcher,

 (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)


Subject of research is rocks of different compositions and conditions of formation. The author obtained the results by way of laboratory research and analysis of literature resources. Object of the research is to classify properties and state of the rocks of  different genesis. The results obtained show that there is no common tendencies of the rock property changes in different areas and at different depths. The same is with the rock of different genesis. Ratio of horizontal and vertical stresses may vary in different directions at different depths and in different rocks by local laws, which currently cannot be used for all areas. This conclusion is a consequence of regional tectonics investigations and geophysical investigations according to which  the convectional effects of the substance dislocation are responsible for the tectonic stresses in the Earth's crust at different depths. The obtained data on different territories proper reflect a diversity of the different rock and ore properties.

On the basis of laboratory researches and analysis of literature, classification of petrological properties of the rock complexes formed in different geological conditions was developed. The following list includes: sediment-diagenetic complex of the loose basic sediments; diagenetic complex of the loose and poorly cemented sedimentary rocks; - early katagenesis rocks: from slightly to semi-consolidated sediments; - middle katagenesis rocks: from slightly to highly-consolidated sediments; metamorphic rocks of greenschist, amphibolitic and granulite facies; magmatic rocks - granites, basalts, diorites, diabases etc.; - metamorphic and magmatic rocks related to the area of hypergenesis; igneous-sedimentary rock; multi complex of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary roach.


rocks, katagenesis properties, diagenesis, metamorphism, magmatism, classification.


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3. Lyubimov, N.I., Nosenko, L.I. (1978), Spravochnik po fiziko-mekhanicheskim parametram gornykh porod rudnykh rayonov [Reference Book on the physic and mechanic parameters of rocks of ore districts]. Nedra, Moscow, SU.

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About the author

Baranov Vladimir Andriovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine  (IGTM NAS of Ukraine), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine