Bielaev N.N., Gunko E. Yu., Kozachyna V.A. Numerical simulation of the mine waters treatment in horizontal settler

UDC 622.5: 628.35: 519.6


N.N. Bielaev, D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor,

E. Yu. Gunko, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Tech.)

V.A. Kozachyna, Master of Science

(SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan»)


Horizontal settlers are one of the most important elements in technological scheme of the mine water purification. Their use is associated with possibility to pass a sufficiently large volume of wastewater. When remodeling or designing horizontal tanks there is an important task to evaluate their effectiveness. A settler efficiency can be calculated by mathematical modeling. Currently used models and methods do not allow to take into account the settler shape and specific design features. In this paper, we consider construction of a numerical model to evaluate effectiveness of a horizontal settler modified structure. The model is based on equations of ideal fluid motion and mass transfer equation. For numerical simulation the finite difference schemes are used. The numerical calculation is carried out on a rectangular computational grid. Markers are used for formation of a computational domain. The model allows to calculate the clarification process in the settler using computers small and medium power. Calculation time for one variant of the problem is few seconds. Results of a computational experiment are presented.

Keywords: numerical simulation, horizontal settler, CFD model.


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About the authors:

BielaevNikolaiNikolaievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc), professor, head of the department «Gydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk State higher educational establishment «National university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan (SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.  

Gunko Elena Juriyevna, Candidate of Technical (Ph.D), Associate Professor of the department «Gydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk State higher educational establishment «National university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan (SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

Kozachyna Vitaly Anatolievich, Master of Science, assistant of the department «Gydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk State higher educational establishment «National university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan (SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.