Bielaev N.N., Zatynaichenko D.O. Modeling of the air-ion dispersion in the working room by using a cfd model

UDC 622.012: 628.5: 004.94


N.N. Bielaev, D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor

D.O. Zatynaichenko, M.S. (Tech)

(SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan»)


This paper presents a numerical model for predicting air-ion dispersion inside the rooms. The model is based on equations of ideal fluid motion and mass transfer equation for the negative and positive ions and dust. The numerical simulation of modeling equations uses finite difference schemes. The numerical calculation is carried out on a rectangular computational grid. Markers are used for forming a computational domain. The developed numerical model predicts air-ion dispersion mode with taking into account the room shape, aerodynamics air flows, indoor furniture, equipment, etc. The model predicts air-ion dispersion in the rooms when computers of small and medium power are used. Calculation time for one variant is few seconds. Results of a computational experiment are presented.


2-D numerical model, air-ion dispersion, equation of potential flow, equation of mass transfer, numerical experiment.


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About the authors:

BielaevNikolaiNikolaievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc), professor, head of the department «Gydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk State higher educational establishment «National university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan (SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 

Zatynaichenko Dmitrij Olegovich, Master of Science, assistant of the department «Gydraulics and water supply» of Dnepropetrovsk State higher educational establishment «National university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan (SHEE «DNURT named after V. Lazaryan») of Ministry of Education and Sciense of Ukraine (NMU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.