Shvets D.V. Rationale of schemes and parameters for reconstruction of existing transport system in quarry of "Lebedinsky MPP" company
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 118
UDC 622.271:622.013
Shvets D.V., Doctoral Student (SE "SDI "Krivbassproject")
A need for developing efficient schemes for deep horizon opening in the quarries with taking into account each type of transports is shown. Dependences for fixing locations of the transfer points with minimal expenditure of energy for the motor transport are disclosed. The author considers a possibility to mine highwalls in the quarry of the “Lebedinsky MPP" Company with drivage and formation of entry sliding rail off-ramp with maximally possible ruling grade and with mining loose overburden by hydromechanical facilities. It is proposed to take into account in future designs further deepening of open-cast mining operations below horizon of estimated geological reserves because of transport communications transferred from spoil bank to the highwall.
contour of reserve estimation, spoil bank and highwall, transport scheme, sliding rail off-ramp.
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About the author:
Shvets Dmitriy Valerievich, Doctoral Student, lead design engineer of the open-pit mining, mining department of the State Enterprise "State Design Institute "Krivbassproject" (SE "SDI "Krivbassproject"), Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .