Bondarenko V.І., Kovalevskaya І.А., Vivcharenko A.V., Svistun R.N., Malykhin A.V. Calculation of frame-anchoring workings

UDC 622.


Bondarenko V.І., D.Sc. (Tech), professor,

Kovalevskaya І.А., D.Sc. (Tech), professor


Vivcharenko A.V., Ph.D. (Tech) (Department of Coal Industry Restructuring Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine)

Svistun R.N., M.S (Tech) (LLC “Mokryanskiy stone quarry №3”)

Malykhin A.V., M.S (Tech) (Shevchenko district state administration in Kyiv)

Abstract. The established control regularities of condition mine workings support system in the zone of influence stope working on the basis of controlling displacement processes of end-anchored marginal rock and loading frame-bolting support by means of choosing resource-saving regime of anchors working constant resistance are defended. The complex calculated expressions by forecasting all components of load intensity diagram, along of the mine working contour have been derived. The researches for determination the internal forces in the frame depending on its size, component of load intensity diagram and anchors installation parameters were carried out. A correlation constraint rational parameters of anchors installations with geological and mining conditions supporting mine working in the stope influence zone are derived. The revealed regularities are the basis for an engineering method of calculation of resource-saving parameters frame-bolting support. The mine researches established stability regularity of reduce roof and floor convergence mine working by 25-33%, and sides by 54-65% that reduced cross-section loss in the zone of abutment pressure by 26,5-37,0%. For improving stability of mine workings confirmed the feasibility of the developed recommendations on differential strengthening frame support by anchors with adjustable force deformation characteristic.


 massif, mine working, stability, influence of stope working, frame-bolting support, parameters, calculation, resource-saving.


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About the authors:

Bondarenko Vladimir Ilich,Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Head of the Underground Mining Department, , State Higher Education Institution “National Mining University” (State HEI “National Mining University”), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kovalevskaya Irina Anatolevna, Doctor of Technical Science (D. Sc.), Professor, Underground mining department, State Higher Education Institution “National Mining University” (State HEI “National Mining University”), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vivcharenko Aleksandr Vasilevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Director of Department of coal industry restructuring ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, alexandr.vivcharenko @

Svistun Ruslan Nikolaevich, M.S.(Tech.), Director of “Mokryanskiy stone quarry #3”, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Malykhin Aleksandr Vladimirovich, M.S.(Tech.), Vice-Chairman of the Shevchenko district state administration, Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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