Koptovets A.N. Identification of mine locomotive brake state in terms of structural uncertainty
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2014, Issue 119
UDC 622.625.28-592.112(043.5)
Koptovets A.N., D.Sc. (Tech), Associate Professor (State HEI «NMU»)
Abstract. Regressive model of kinetic characteristic for mine locomotive tread and wheel brake friction in terms of structural uncertainty as for the quantity and composition of input variables in friction models of force dependence (coefficient) has been developed for the first time. Application of all types of statistic analysis (disperse, correlative, regressive, and discriminant) makes it possible to eliminate unstable solutions.Linear variation model of brake friction coefficient φ on brake pressure up to 12 kN and slipping velocity V up to 5 m/sec determining indices of braking efficiency in operation has been obtained from discriminant function maximum. Hypothesis of the simulation model adequacy has been tested. The regressive model friction characteristic coefficients vary depending upon changes in the geometry structure of brake, mechanical properties of shoe contact surface roughness as well as elastic and dissipative forces of break loading.
staticanalysis, adequacy of models, brake, structural uncertainty, state identification.
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About the authors:
KoptovetsAleksandrNikolayevych, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, State Higher Education Institute «National Mining University» (State HEI «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.