Novikov A.O., Gladkiy S.Y. Mathematical mode of deformation state of roof rock in workings, tip by anchors

UDC 622.28.044:622.261.2


Novikov A.O., D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor (State HEI «DonNTU»)

Gladkiy S.Y., M.S (Tech) (LCL «DET UA»)

Abstract. The decision of problem of intensification of coal-face work is indissolubly related to the acceleration of assembling-breaking-down works in longwall face, including by introduction of front-rank technologies of supporting of mine the roof bolting. The aim of work is opening of conformities to law of change of the tensely-deformed state of the direct roof envisaged by anchors in workings at the different parameters of lining for providing of her stable state. The theoretical method of research of the tensely-deformed state, based on the decision of regional tasks of theory of anisotropic half beam, is applied for this purpose. The results of researches it is been: the worked out calculation chart of the roof envisaged by anchors of working; receipt of dependence for determination of her moving taking into account  a parameter of anchor lining, geometrical parameters and border terms. The scientific novelty of researches consists of that the calculation chart of roof is first accepted working as thick stratified anisotropic plate (flags) with the hardly envisaged edges, being under an action normal up-diffused loading; with the use of certainly-different method of decision of differential equalization of equilibrium conformities to law of the tensely-deformed state of plate are exposed in moving. The practical value of work consists of that the got results of researches will be drawn on at the calculation of parameters of the roof bolting, providing the stable state of roof of working.


 set up entry , roof, anchor, calculation chart, tensely-deformed state, displacement,  finite-difference method.


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About the authors:

Novikov Alexander Olegovich,Doctor of Technical Sciences, (D. Sc.), Professor of Mineral Mining Department, State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University” (State HEI “DonNTU”), Donetsk, Ukraine

Gladkiy Stanyslav Yurievich , Master of Science, Technical director of LCL «DET UA»