Nikolayev O.V. Ways to increase air-treatment efficiency in the mining enterprises
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- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 122
Nikolayev O.V., Ph. D (Tech), Associate Professor (SNRPU)
The article describes various designs of the mine air-heating installations (MAHI). In the first embodiment, the represented MAHI consists of electro-heating plates, and in the second embodiment - of the plate elements which are ribs of the tubes with heat-transfer agent. In both cases, it is proposed to locate the MAHI in the hot-air channel equipped with thermoglass along the perimeter. In the third embodiment, the heat exchangers are located in one row along the perimeter of the pit head. The article also describes a system for automation of the MAHI operation jointly with automatic control of the main ventilation installation (MVI) operation. The system allows to improve effectiveness of air preparation.
Keywords: mine air heater installation, plate elements, hot-air channel, thermoglass, main ventilation installation.
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About the authors:
Nikolaev Aleksandr Viktorovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor of the Department of Mining Electrical Engineering, State National Research Politechnical University of Perm (SNRPU), Perm, RU, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.