Parashchienko I.N. Ground of parameters of methods of decline of noise in mould workshops of enterprises on production of reinforced concrete wares
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 122
UDC628.517.2: 621.9
Parashchienko I.N., M.S (Tech.)
(Poltavsky national Yu. Kondratyuk technical university )
It was certain on the basis of the executed researches and analysis of literary sources, that workshops are the most powerful sources of noise on enterprises on the ZHBY production, the equivalent levels of noise in the apartments of these workshops make 106 – 112 dBA. Here give the basic noise loading vibration generator on the compression of concrete mixture, here the maximal values of levels of sound on the workplaces of moulders achieve the values 118 – 120 dBA, and equivalent 112 – 114 dBA (at a norm for permanent workplaces 80 dBA). For the decline of noise of vibration generator dempfyration is first offered, I.e. diminishment of mechanical vibrations of vibrating surfaces of vybro-aggregatt by elastic-tough material with the high index of internal friction; in quality such material was developed, the mastic of polymeric sound-extinguish «Vybromast» is tested and patented, on the физико-механическим properties substantially excelling a prototype at part of efficiency of sound-extinguish. For the decline of noise of vybro-aggregates, located in pry-hole, a chamber-screen muffler is first developed. In theory and experimentally dependence of decline of levels of sound pressure by a chamber-screen muffler on the width of acoustic gap between the table of vybro-agregate and screen-corymb of muffler, direction of radiation of noise in the area of workplace of moulder, presence or absence of sound-extinguish layer of the «Vybromast mastic» on the internal surfaces of muffler is set, from reciprocal-reciprocal-disposition of surface of table of vybro-aggregate and level of floor of workshop. The production risk is appraised on territory of moulding workshop on the criterion of noise influence through stochastic approach before and after introductions of chamber-screen muffler. Estimation was conducted by two methods: on frequency of exceeding of level of noise of his possible size and as integral of probability of this exceeding from the closeness of distributing of level of noise got from data of measurings in the range of its casual change. Estimation of production risk in the working area of workshop without application of muffler showed that the ranges of casual change of level of noise fully exceeded possible norms. After introduction of chamber-screen muffler the estimation of production risk of exceeding of level of noise got with the use of different ways on the workplace of moulder and in the working area of workshop showed that a risk size made about 0,03 and with the high reliability 0,97 absence of exceeding of operating norms is provided.
Keywords: vybro-agregat, vybro-soundproof mastic, dempfyration, chamber-screen muffler, production risk.
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About the authors:
ParashchienkoIrinaNikolayevna,M.S (Tech.), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Ecology and Nature, Poltava National Technical University named after Juri Kondratjuk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.