Kolesnik I.A. Providing of parameters of microclimate at emergency sytuation in systems of heat supply



Kolesnik I. A., M.S (Tech)



In the paper the analysis of microclimate in the premises of scarce emergency situations in heating systems and their impact on human activity, the influence teplotryvkosti buildings on the premises microclimate conditions are analyzed methods to control heat walling with external and internal environment.

The scientific substantiation and experimental use of sensors with ring and flat heaters and certain boundary conditions of their application. Experimental study of microclimate premises for six types of walling buildings in the city. Dnepropetrovsk. Found laws of dynamics of internal air cooling and internal surfaces walling areas in emergency situations in scarce supply systems.

The method of determining the internal air cooling time depending on the coefficient of heat accumulation walling and without considering solar radiation and wind action in emergency situations in scarce supply systems.

An application of research results of monitoring and ensuring the necessary microclimate conditions in the production areas, it is possible to establish dependence for determining the relative heat supply backup and restoring normal heat at different heat accumulating capacity walling buildings and structures with a view to ensuring the necessary parameters of microclimate premises.

Keywords: climate, safety, sanitary conditions, emergency situations scarce, control and management, critical temperature, dynamic cooling, rate teploakumulyatsiyi.


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About the authors:

Kolesnik Inna Aleksandrovna, Master of Science, assistant, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, SHEI "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.