Stadnik N.I., Yeremin A.V., Tarash Y.V. Optimized operation of a shearer with variable frequency cutting drive

UDC 622.


Stadnik N.I., D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor

Yeremin A.V., Candidate of Master’s Degree

Tarash Y.V., Candidate of Master’s Degree

(Donetsk National Technical

University, Krasnoarmeysk)


Considerable coal resources in Ukraine are concentrated in thin seams whose thickness is up to 1 meter. In these conditions, shearers, mainly drum  shearers, are used. State-of-art shearers possess high power and can extract coal at high haulage velocities. In this case, there are problems with loading detached mining mass by auger in conditions of thin seams. Increase of shearer loading power is a live problem, and one of the solutions could be regulation of the auger rotation frequency.

Purpose of the article is to determine rational operating parameters for the shearer equipped with variable-frequency cutting drive and extracting thin seams at changing external conditions.

Dependence of stable torque and stable power on frequency of supply voltage is shown. Range of auger rotation frequency regulation is determined by criterion of the stable torque. Modes of the shearer operation are considered with and without variable-frequency cutting drive and at variable resistance to cutting. Advantages of variable-frequency cutting drive are proved. An algorithm is created for the system functioning at variable coal resistance to cutting with variable-frequency cutting and haulage drives. Employment of the algorithm is demonstrated on example of specific longwall.

The proposed algorithm allows determining optimal values for the shearer haulage velocity and the auger rotation frequency. It contributes to increase of the auger loading power and, therefore, shearer efficiency that is especially actual for extraction of thin seams.

Keywords: coal shearer, variable-frequency drive, stable torque, power, regulation algorithm.


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About the authors:

Stadnik Nikolay Ivanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor, Donetsk National Technical University, Krasnoarmeysk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yeremin Anton Vitalyevich, Master of Science, Candidate of Master’s Degree, Donetsk National Technical University, Krasnoarmeysk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tarash Yelizaveta Vadimovna, Master of Science, Candidate of Master’s Degree, Donetsk National Technical University, Krasnoarmeysk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.