Golіnko V.І., Pustovoi D.S. Use of aerosol charge within corona field effect to intensify dedusting processes of aspiration flows
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- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 122
GolіnkoV. І., D.Sc. (Tech), Professor,
Pustovoi D. S., Doctoral Student
(State Institution of Higher Education “NMU”)
Problems concerning intensification of fine dust elimination processes of aspiration flows have been considered in this paper.
It has been shown that improved efficiency of fine dust elimination processes may depend upon aerosol charge being performed with the help of a system of corona electrode of “point” type and net-located across dusted air flow where impact charge of coarse dust particles as well as their possible deposition within charge chamber can be available only within a discharge gap in the process of potential impulses effect.
It has been demonstrated that in terms of significant duty ratio of impulse high voltage, charge value of coarse dust particles as well as response time of external electric field effecting ordered dust particle motion to the earthed electrode and charging chamber walls is much less than within a field of unipolar constant corona discharge. Due to nonavailability of external electrostatic forces ordered motion of dust particles to the earthed electrode is neglectable during gap between voltage impulses. However, intensive loss of ions from discharge gap is observed. Further motion of ionized dust and gas flow beyond discharge gap within a charging chamber mostly results in intensive charge of fine particles of aerosol dust at the expense of diffusion of ions to their surface.
As external electrostatic forces are not available ordered motion of dust particles towards pipeline walls and their deposition are neglectable resulting in several-order decrease of the intensity of their deposition and accumulation.
Keywords: dust, aspiration flows, corona discharge, impulse voltage, techniques to charge aerosol, charging chambers, coagulation.
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About the authors:
Golіnko Vasily Іvanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor of the Aerology and labour protection department of the State Institution of Higher Education “National mining university”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pustovoi Dmytry Sergeyevich, Master of Science, Doctoral Student in Department of Aerology and labour, State Institution of Higher Education «National Mining University», Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine