Gubenko D.I. Study of dependence between the mine pneumatic system reliability and compressed air leakages

UDC 62-522:622.457.2:620.165.29


Gubenko D.I., M.S (Tech.) (SE «Design Office «Yuzhnoye» by M.K. Yangel»)


The article presents a study of the compressed air leakage impacting on reliable performance of the mine pneumatic systems with damaged hermeticity. The study was based on the methods of applied reliability theory with a probability of the mine pneumatic system nonfailure operation chosen as a reliability factor. A mathematic model was created for estimating the reliability factors by exponential law of nonfailure operation time distribution. A dependence between probability of the mine pneumatic system nonfailure operation and the system summary leakages was determined. It was shown that the probability of the mine pneumatic system nonfailure operation during an 8-hour working day could be less than 50% depending on the rate of the system nonhermeticity. The findings shall improve requirements for ensured reliability and efficiency of the pneumatic equipment operation at the mining companies.


mine pneumatic system, reliability, compressed air, leakages, nonhermeticity, nonfailure operation time.


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About the author:

Gubenko Dmitry Ivanovich, Head of SRL-110, State Enterprise “Design Office “Yuzhnoye” by M.K. Yangel (SE “Design Office “Yuzhnoye” by M.K. Yangel), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.