Dudnik M.N. Choosing of materials, geometrical parameters and operating regimes of supports for impeller rotational axis



Dudnik M.N., M.S. (Tech.)

(IGTM NAS of Ukraine)


The article gives description of stones used as natural and artificial materials in the instrument-making industry and presents information about dependence between the material wear and loads applied to the axis. It is stated that certain values of contact tensions correspond to certain degree of wear resistance of the mostly used stones - agate and ruby – being under different loads. Aerodynamics of a transformer was studied, and the findings have shown that optimal values are roundoff radius 0,08 mm for the saddle crater and radius 0,03 mm for the spherical bottom of the core. Calculation formulas are presented, and results of contact tensions are shown for the agate and ruby, accordingly. Basic requirements are formulated for the materials of the device axis, and results of tribometric comparative tests on wear resistance of the samples made of different materials (steels and hard alloys) in pair with leucosapphire saddle are shown. In the process of an anemometer finishing, the transformers with impeller axes made of cobalt-titanic hard alloy and alloy tool steel 95•18 and with saddles made of the foregoing materials were exposed to the operating tests. The findings were analyzed, and a conclusion was made that the following measures could be proposed for improving the process under the study: to use axis made of a material with less modulus of elasticity and higher Poisson’s ratio; to use saddles made of sapphire; and to use grease for the supports. Properties of different types of the greases were studied. Basing on the requirements grounded in the study, recommendations are given concerning the wind-channel designing, producing and attesting by bodies of the National Standard of Ukraine in order to simulate standard values of the air currents in the range of 0,2 – 40,0 m/s that corresponds to the conditions in the mines.

Keywords: wear of material, contact tensions, axis of impeller, module of elasticity, saddle, greasing.


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About the authors:

Dudnik Michail Nikolayevich, Master of Science, Junior Researcher in the Department of Rock Thermoatrodynamics and Automated Systems, M.S. Polyakov Institutute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.