Shevchenko O.Ye. Features of dewatering the deep-sea organic-mineral sediments in the black sea by method of filtration



ShevchenkoO. Ye., Doctoral Student

(State HEI «National Mining University»)


The paper covers experimental findings on dewatering the deep-sea organic-mineral sediments by method of filtration. The deep-sea sediments ‒ coccolith and sapropel silts - were sampled in the Black Sea.

The tests were carried out with the help of compression equipment. Compression pressure variation was at a range of 0,5...10 MPa. It was found that sapropel and coccolith sediments could be referred to the strongly compressible soil. The filtering process of sapropel silts, unlike filtering of coccolith sediments, occurs with filter medium clogging. The dependencies between specific productivity of the plane filter and pressure rate and duration of filtration are shown in the diagrams. The obtained data may be used for justifying parameters of machines used for dewatering the organic-mineral sediments. 

Keywords: organic-mineral sediments, filtration, dewatering, processing.


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About the author:

Shevchenko Oleksandr Yevgenievich, Doctoral Student, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, (State HEI “NMU”), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.