SadovenkoI.A., Inkin A.V. Modeling of hydrogeotermal fields at underground combustion of the coal seams



SadovenkoI.A., D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor

Inkin A.V., Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor

(State Higher Education Institution «NMU»)


The article presents a mathematical model of heat transporting in the groundwaters which saturate cap rocks of the coal seam when the latter burns. The study task was to explain dynamics of hydrothermal fields formation in the aquifer overlying the reaction channel.

The designed mathematical model is based on the established heat balance in the volume of the aquifer located proximately above the heated confining layer. The model was computed by the ModFlow 2009 software (Schlumberger W.S.). Changing sizes and shapes of the thermal anomalies formed in permeable rocks above the coal seam roof depending on the angle of incidence and combustion stage were evaluated for the mining and geological conditions of the «Olkhovo Nizhneie» field in the Donetsk Basin.

The study results allow assessing configurations of thermal zones, which reflect water flow in the flooded rocks over the coal seam roof. The results can be used to determine optimal periods for the heated water withdrawal from the aquifer and to evaluate operational reserves of thermal waters and geotechnological parameters for withdrawing of such waters.


 underground coal firing, aquifer, heat transport, modeling.


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About the authors:

Sadovenko Ivan Aleksandrovich, D. Sc. (Tech.), Professor, Professor of the Department of geohydrology and engineering geology, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (State Higher Education Institution «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Inkin Aleksandr Viktorovich, Ph. D. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor Departments of geohydrology and engineering geology, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» («NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.