Lyachovetskaya-Tokareva M.M. Economic advantages of natural cold use in systems of the microclimate



Lyachovetskaya-Tokareva M.M.,

Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor



The aim of this work is to develop and justify methods for increasing efficiency of systems of microclimate basing on the use of natural cold. To this end, it is necessary to prove  economic benefits of using natural cold in the systems of microclimate.

Basing on the normative data a summary table was compiled with climatic conditions of some Ukrainian cities with the aim of determining efficiency coefficients for the air conditioning systems and refrigeration systems using natural outside cold air during the year.

The paper presents graphical dependences between changes of energy efficiency rate, factor of power correction for the cooling system and outside air temperature, which allow optimal using of natural and artificial cold in the microclimate systems.

An expected economic effect depends on the percentage of cold savings (when usage of natural cold from outside air is between 0.21 and 0.32 and cold from soil is between 0.29 and 0.35) and the desired system performance.

The results are used in "The Recommendations on Natural Cold Use in the Microclimate Systems" and "The Methods for Calculating Water Cooling Systems in the Open-Type Heat Exchangers (Nozzle Chambers) With Taking Into Account Climatic Zoning in Ukraine (Parameters of Outside Air) and Designs the Heat Exchangers (Bilateral Spray Nozzle С2-7)".


energy efficiency, energy saving, natural cold, microclimate systems, refrigeration machines.


1. State Committee of Ukraine for town planning and architecture(1996), 2.04.05-91: Otoplenie, ventilyatsiya i konditsionirovanie [2.04.05-91 Heating, ventilation and conditioning: Construction Norms and Regulations], KievZNIIEP, Kiev, UA.

2. Ministry of regional development, construction and housing and communal economy of Ukraine(2013), V.2.5-67:2013: Opalennya, ventilyatsIya ta konditsionuvannya [V.2.5-67:2013 Heating, ventilation and conditioning], Ministry of regional development, construction and housing and communal economy of Ukraine, Kiev, UA.

3. Lyakhovetskaya-Tokarevа M. M. (2013), «Increase of efficiency of use of natural cold in systems of a microclimate», Ph.D. Thesis, 05.23.03, SHEE “PSACEA”, Dnepropetrovsk, UA.

4. «Free_Cooling_Concept.pdf. Free Cooling. The concept of "free cooling" of AERMEC from 50 to 1600 kW», Available at:, (Accessed 25 july 2014).

5. Bolshakov, V. I., Skrypnikov, V.B., Lyakhovetskaya, M.M. and Skrypnikov,Yu.V. (2009), «The analysis of opportunities of use of natural cold in systems of a microclimate», Refrigerating Equipment and Technology, no.6, pp 45-51.

6. Bolshakov, V. I., Skrypnikov, V.B., Lyakhovetskaya, M.M. and Skrypnikov,Yu.V. (2011), «Estimation of energy efficiency of systems of a microclimate with use of artificial and natural sources of cold», Refrigerating Equipment and Technology, no. 3, pp. 7-12.

About the author:

Lyakhoveckaya-Tokareva Marina Markovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor in Department of Heating, Ventilation and Quality of Air Environment, «Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» (PSACEA), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.