Gladkaya E.V. Features of defect structure changes and stress state of carbonaceous clay rocks in conditions of tectonic disturbance
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 123
UDC 622.831.537.86
Gladkaya E.V., Ph.D.(Tech.), (IPMP NAS of Ukraine)
On the basis of experimental data has been analyzed the structural state of the coal seam enclosing rocks in zones of tectonic disturbances. Using the method of X-ray analysis, based on the phenomenon of X-ray diffraction of crystalline substance, marked the common structural features that reflect varying degrees of stress state carbonaceous clay rocks. Established the presence of shear deformations in the structure of the studied species, caused by shear stresses, which makes it possible to predict not only explosive, but also in situ disturbances, which include bulges and small kinks coal seam. Completed quantitative and qualitative evaluation of defects in the structure of rocks will significantly improve not only the accuracy of the prediction of tectonic disturbances, but also the safety of mining operations in their areas of influence.
geological disturbances, structural state, clay rocks, immediate overlying.
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About the author:
Gladkaya Elena Viktorovna, Candidat of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), performing duties of chief of Department of control the state massif , Institute of Physics of Mining Processes the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPhMP, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .