Pochuzhevsky O.D. Use of gas-and-diesel power system in the wheeled tractors k-701 as one of the methods for saving resources by exploiting eneterprises
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 123
UDC 622.271:629.063.6
Pochuzhevsky O.D.,Ph.D. (Tech.), (State HEI "KNU")
This article describes results of the field research of the LPG container use in the wheeled tractor K-701 of general purpose with cross-country capacity when it was used for the land reclamation in aggregation with various semi-integral machines.
Analysis of the tractor operating on the loamy soils with moisture content between 18 % and 28 % and the soil hardness between 0,6 MPa and 3,9 MPa showed economic effect between 66,7 % and 47,2 % and, therefore, confirmed feasibility of the gas-and-diesel power system to be used in the wheeled tractors. Among the negative points, a slight increase of the complexity and cost of maintenance should be mentioned.
Basing on the findings, further research directions were formulated for improving the LPG power system in the diesel engines through the use of microprocessor-based systems for dosed methane supply.
tractor, gas-and-diesel power system, gas-and-diesel fuel, fuel saving.
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About the author:
Pochuzhevskyy Oleg Oleg Dmitrievich, Candidate of Technical Scienses (Ph.D), Associate Professor of the department hoisting and transportnыh machines, State Higher Educational Institution "Kryvyi Rih National University" (SHEI "KNU"), Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .