Slobodyanyuk R.V. The simulation model of an excavator-and-truck complex for the opencast mines
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2015, Issue 123
UDC 622.271.4
Slobodyanyuk R.V.,M.S. (Tech.), (State HEI «KNU»)
A simulation model was designed in order to estimate impact of the cutter, loader and truck type, distance for the rock mass transporting and parameters of the pit roads on the operation of excavator-and-truck complex in the opencast mines. A scope of tasks associated with optimization of excavator-and-truck complex work was determined for solving of which a simulation modeling was applied.
It was found that certain economicallyexpedient limits exist for usage of each type of excavator-and-truck complex depending on distance of the rock transportation. Dump trucks with greater carrying capacity have significant potential for rational using at considerable distances of transporting. It is stated that productivity of an excavator in the excavator-and-truck complex decreases by 3-5% in case of one road segment with alternately one-way traffic, by 6-7% - in case of two such segments and 6-24% - in case of three segments. Maximal length 500 m for a segment with one-way traffic accepted by norms of process engineering does not impact on productivity of the excavator-and-truck complex if only one excavator operates in this segment.
simulation model, excavator-and-truck complex.
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About the author:
Slobodyanyuk Roman Valeriyovych, Master of Science, Egineer, State Higher Educational Institution «Kryviy Rih National University» (SHEI “KNU”), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .