Novikova O.O. Impact of conveyor transport productivity and ventilation parameters on intensity of dust formation and background concentrations in the roadways

UDC 622.81:622.647.21


Novikova O.O.,Ph.D. (Tech.), Associate Professor (State HEI «NMU»)


Intensity of formation of dust from the conveyor is determined by many factors, the key of them are the conveyor technical state, mode of ventilation operation and rock transportation performance. Background concentration is constant due to a complex mechanism of the dust lifting and settling, which is poorly studied and, therefore, leads to a qualitative discrepancy between theoretical results and experimental data. The article is focused on the dust background concentration changing in the roadways depending on conveyor productivity and mode ventilation operation. The experimental data show more intensive emissions of dust from the operating conveyor when ventilation flow rate and conveyor productivity increase. The obtained dependences more accurately describe dust concentration changes along the whole length of the roadway under the simultaneous impact of the point and distributed sources of the dust formation in the mines.


 dust deposits,background concentration, belt roadways, conveyor productivity, ventilation flow.


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About the author:

Novikova Yelena Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), AssociateProfessor of  Department of Transport Management, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .