Rogach Yu.P. Features of determination of individual occupational take during work of operators of mobile technique

Geoteh. meh. 2015, 125, 262-268


1Rogach Yu.P.
1Tavricheckiy state agrotechnologichal University, c. Melitopol

UDC 622.451:658.512.007

Abstract. On the enterprises of different fields of industry most the profession of operator of mobile technique is a personal snjury dangerous profession. Statistics of work accidents and professional diseases of workers of different spheres in the last few years testify to it. It is therefore suggested to determine individual occupational take in accordance with work of operators of mobile technique. Determination of individual occupational risk of operator is entered and the algorithm of determination of individual occupational risk is resulted. As experience of conducting of attestation of workplaces showed, on different workplaces in a general view a different combination of set for each of them can operate classes of harmful dangers. Integral estimation of terms of labour is determined on the basis of three indexes:
Keywords: - index of harmfulness of terms of labour on a workplace;


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 About the author:

Rogach Yury Petrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciehces (Ph.D), Professor, Head of Departments of Protection of Labour and Safety of Vital Activity of Tavriysky State Agrotechnical University, s. Melitopol, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.