Shvets D.V. Involvement into development of geological iron-ore reserves conserved under the existing transport communications in the active deep open pits

Geoteh. meh. 2016, 129, 98-105


1Shvets D.V.

1IGTM NAS of Ukraine

UDC 622.271.324:553.042

Abstract. Due to the long-term collapse of consumer prices in the global iron ore market, cost of the iron ore produced by the deep open pits with steeply dipping deposits, can be reduced by re-ducing costs of stripping operations and expenses for the dump formation and rock transportation. It is propose to solve this problem by involving into development geological reserves under the existing system of the vehicle and railway exit roads, concentration horizons of complexes with cyclic-flow technology, and points for transferring cargoes from vehicles to the rail transport. Boundary depth of opencast mining of the steeply-dipping deposits should be clarified with taking into account volume of the formed geological reserves under the existing transport commu-nications and changed prices of the iron ore concentrate.

Keywords: iron ore, cost price, existing transport communication, conserved geological re-serves, boundary depth of the open-pit.


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About the authors:

Shvets Dmitriy Valerievich, Master of Sciences, Graduate Student in Department of Geomechanics Mineral Open-pit Mining Technology, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .