Sotskov V.O., Malashkevych D.S., Russkikh V.V. Analysis of influence of partial goaf backfilling on the sss of the coal-bearing massif during selective mining technology of thin coal seams

Geoteh. meh. 2016, 129, 54-64


1Sotskov V.O., 1Malashkevych D.S., 1Russkikh V.V.

1State HEI «NMU»

UDC 622.

Abstract. In the article, the technological solution for thin coal seams mining with partial goaf backfilling is proposed. The geomechanical model of coal-bearing strata behavior is substantiated. The technique of computing experiment is presented for studying processes of coal-bearing massif movement in zone of stope operation influence. The curves were built for distributions of stress components (horizontal, vertical and intensity stresses) of the rock pressure in area with frontal bearing pressure and goaf area for traditional technology (full caving) and selective technology with partial backfilling. According to the performed investigation of the stress-strain-state of coal-bearing strata, a general conclusion is made about advantage of technology of selective mining with partial goaf backfilling in context of massif geomechanical behavior.

Keywords: stress-strain-state, partial goaf backfilling, selective technology.


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About the authors:

Sotskov Vadym Aleksandrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Underground mining department, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Malashkevych Dmytry Sergeevych, Post-graduate Student of the Underground mining department, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI “NMU”), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Russkikh Vladyslav Vasylevych, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Underground mining department, State Higher Education Institution «National Mining University» (SHEI «NMU»), Dnepr, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .