Litvinov Yu. Limiting the violation of natural resources on the basis of the relationship between the opening method and the development of a horizontal deposit

Geoteh. meh. 2017, 136, 116-126


1Litvinov Yu.
1State HEI «NMU»

UDC 622.271.32:622.221

Abstract. Abstract. The content and national economic significance of natural resources are researched. Using a mineral resource, the mining enterprise disrupts directly or indirectly other natural resources, since they are all related in time and space. The idea of a limited violation of natural resources is developed and it is proposed to understand it as the use of resources at minimum permissible volumes, based on economic feasibility of production, technological feasibility of production processes, degree of violation of the associated natural resources and the level of negative impact on the health of population of a mining region. Methodological approaches to finding a compromise between these constraints are formulated. The effectiveness of measures for the conservation of natural resources is proposed to estimate on the basis of the lost value of used land as the difference between the cost of natural resources allocated for exploitation of the deposit and the cost of returning man-made lands, and the cost of land is set together with the cost of other natural resources in these lands.The proposed approach to choosing a rational relationship between a way of disclosure and asystem of development that will influence the choice of technological scheme of working out horizontal deposit with minimum violations of natural resources and maximum restoring of previouslydamaged resources.
Keywords: Keywords: mineral deposit, open field disclosure, system of deposit development, natural resources, reproduction of value of land resources.


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 About the author:

Litvinov Yuriy Igorevich, Master of Sceinsec (M.Sc.), Assistant of the Department of Applied Economics and Entrepreneurship, State High Educational Institution ―National Mining University (SHEI ―NMU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.