Zerkal V.V. Innovative technologies for driving and supporting tunnels in the mines of the western donbass
- Details
- Parent Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2017
- Category: Geo-Technical Mechanics, 2017, Issue 135
Geoteh. meh. 2017, 135, 258-265
Zerkal V.V.
PJSC «DTEK Pavlogradugol»
UDC 622.261.06+622.281
Abstract. Subject of the research was parameters of the tar injection into the rock massif for its consolidation and for tunnel isolation from water inflows. Different methods for calculating specific content of tar in the rock volume, radius of the mixture distribution around the hole, and injection pressure and volume of the injected mixture were analyzed. It is established that these parameters essentially depend on the applied technology of tarring (subsequent or preliminary) and distance between the consolidated section of the tunnel and zone with geological disturbance, as well as on time- and space-lagging of the injection operations behind heading development at the next tarring. It is grounded that further experimental studies are needed for working out rational modes of the tar injections into the rocks with taking into account specificity of mining and geological conditions in the mines of the Western Donbass with the purpose of improving the tunnel stability and isolation at minimal financial expenditures.
Keywords: technologies for rock consolidation, calculation of parameters for tar injection into the rock massif, improvement of tunnel stability and insulation.
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About the authors:
Zerkal Vladimir Viktorovich, Master of Science, Deputy Chief Engineer for рroduction of PSP
"Shakhtoupravlenie Pershotravenskoe", PJSC "DTEK Pavlogradugol", Ukraine