Kalgankov Ye.V. Features of fractal analysis of fractured surfaces of the rubber liners, which work in conditions of abrasive and fatigue wear

Features of fractal analysis of fractured surfaces of the rubber liners, which work in conditions of abrasive and fatigue wear

Kalgankov Ye.V.


Kalgankov Ye.V., Ph. D. Student (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

UDC 622. 23: 05459

Language: Ukrainian


The results of studies of locality of scratches formation on the rubber lining surface operating in conditions of abrasive and fatigue wear and impact of aggressive environment in the form of high temperature and chemically active substances on the surface layer are shown in the article. Rubber samples were taken while inspecting the drum mill and were investigated by the optical microscope. As a result of the conducted researches, it is established that occurrence and self-similarity of the scratches on the lining surface layer formed in result of action of the loaded drum mill feature a stochastic process.

Technique and determination of the fractal dimension of the massive rubber parts, working in conditions of abrasive and fatigue wear were studied, and, as a results, it was established that fractal dimension of the rubber lining should be 1,8125. Dependences of the lining changes during the operation were determined, and it also was proved that fractal dimension increased with prolonged time of the lining operation, i.e. occurrence of increased scratches and cavities in result of fatigue damage (destruction) of the surface layer of the lining. The dependence between the fractal dimension of the rubber lining surface and the Poisson coefficient was established.

The method of fractal analysis of the surface destruction allows formulating a generalized correlation between the rubber mechanical characteristics and parameters of its structure. Interrelation between fractal dimension and the life of the rubber lining is also established.


liner, wear, fractal, fractal dimension, abrasive-fatigue wear, destruction, self-similarity


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About the authors:

Kalgankov Yevgeniy Vasilievich, Ph. D. Student in Department of Elastomeric Component Mechanics in Mining Machines, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine