Tsanidy I.N., Kalgankov Ye.V. Protective lining of drum mills: modern status and prospects of development

Protective lining of drum mills: modern status and prospects of development

Tsanidy I.N., Kalgankov Ye.V.


Tsanidy I.N., Ph. D. Student (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Kalgankov Ye.V.,
Ph. D. Student (IGTM NAS of Ukraine)

UDC 622. 23: 05459

Language: Ukrainian


The article is devoted to the problem of development of energy- and resource-saving technologies for disintegration (destruction) of the rock lumps to the required size or to the needed stage of the deposit opening by using protective lining in the drum mills. The analysis of literature showed that further improvement of the mill design or introduction of changes in the technology of processing of mineral raw materials has reached a certain limit today and further improvement is possible through the use of progressive materials for the protective lining and changing their morphometric parameters, i.e. by changing the lining shapes and geometric parameters, it is possible to reduce energy consumption and obtain raw materials of finer grinding, hence, making the processing enterprises competitive.

Design of metal, rubber and combined liners and especially their use and trends of further development are considered in all details. Results of the analytical study in terms of operation and potential use of the combined liners of the «Poly-Met» type, which are introduced into production by the company «Skega», today a member the «Metso Minerals» corporation, are presented. The latest designs of liners of the «GM-Wave» and «Plate-H-Wave» types are considered, which have formed a basis for the resource- and energy-saving technology (RES) for disintegration of iron ores; the technology was developed by the Valsa GTV Ltd. company, and the results of the liner tests at the first stage of grinding proved their effectiveness.


drum mill lining, morphometric parameters, technology, disintegration, resource saving, energy saving, grinding stages


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1. Dyrda, V.I., Zozulya, R.P. (et al.) (2016), Rezinovyye futerovki tekhnologicheskikh mashin [Rubber lining of technological machines], Zhurfond, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

2. Kryukov, D.K. (1965), Futerovki sharovykh melnits [Lining of ball mills], Mashinostroyeniye, Moscow, USSR.

3. Oleynik, T.A. and Khmel, I.V. (2014), “Investigations of the influence of the rubber lining profile on the grinding process in the drum mills”, Vísnik Krivorízkogo natsíonalnogo uníversitetu, no. 29.

About the authors:

Tsanidy Ivan Nikolaevich,Ph. D. Student in Department of Elastomeric Component Mechanics in Mining Machines, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine

Kalgankov Yevgeniy Vasilievich,Ph. D. Student in Department of Elastomeric Component Mechanics in Mining Machines, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine