Ishkov V.V., Koziy E.S. About peculiarities of distribution of toxic and potentially toxic elements in the coal of the layer с10в of the Dneprovskaya mine of Pavlogradsko-Petropavlovskiy geological and industrial district of Donbass

About peculiarities of distribution of toxic and potentially toxic elements in the coal of the layer с10в of the Dneprovskaya mine of Pavlogradsko-Petropavlovskiy geological and industrial district of Donbass

Ishkov V.V., Koziy E.S.


Ishkov V.V., Cand. Sc. (Geol.-Min.), Assoc. Professor (State HEI «NMU»),
Koziy E.S., M.S. (Tech.) (State HEI «NMU»)

UDC 553.94:550.428

Language: Ukrainian


Peculiarities of toxic and potentially toxic elements (TaPTE) distribution in the coal layer с10в in the Dniprovskaya Mine are considered in the article.

Objective of the research - to establish regularities the of TaPTE distribution in the coal layer с10в in Dniprovskaya Mine of Pavlograd-Petropavlovsk geological and industrial region of Donbass.

As a result of the study, maps of the TaPTE isoconcentrates and maps of regional component of their content along the area of the mine field were made. Linear equations were calculated for regression between the toxic and potentially toxic element concentrations and the main technological parameters of coal.

By analyzing the results of statistical processing of geochemical information and geological and structural characteristics of the layer с10в in the Dnsprovskaya Mine field, it is possible to state that formation of association of cobalt, nickel, vanadium, lead, chrome and manganese is connected with enrichment of the coal-layer contact zones by these elements and genetically is explained by impact of the adsorption and reduction-oxidation barriers on the substance migration during the coal-seam diagenesis and katagenesis. It is concluded that beryllium is the only element, which is basically associated with organic component of coals. The geochemical association of mercury and arsenic is explained by their genetic association with the sulfide mineralization of the tectonic fractured zones.

The key scientific value of the findings is determination of genetic causes that have a significant effect on the TaPTE distribution in coal layer of с10в.


toxic and potentially toxic elements, coal layer, isoconcentrate maps, regional component maps, linear equation of regression


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About the authors:

Ishkov Valeriy Valeryevych, Candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, assistant professor, head of department of mineralogy and petrology, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University” (State HEI “NMU”), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Koziy Evgeniy Sergeevich, Master of Science, Deputy director of Educational and scientific center for training of foreign citizens, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University” (State HEI “NMU”), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.