Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Yashchenko I.A. Criterions of use matrix of risks at perfection of control system by production and labour protection on coal mines

Criterions of use matrix of risks at perfection of control system by production and labour protection on coal mines

Bulat A.F., Bunko T.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Yashchenko I.A.


Bulat A.F., Acad. NASU, D.Sc. (Tech.), Professor (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Bunko T.V., D.Sc. (Tech), Senior Researcher (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Kokoulin I.Ye., Ph.D. (Tech), Senior Researcher (IGTM NAS of Ukraine),
Yashchenko I.A., Ph.D (Tech) (Ministry of Power Engineering and Coal of Ukraine)

UDC [622.8.012.2:519.23].004.6

Language: Russian


The issues of the risk matrix use for estimation and improvement of production control system and labour protection in the coal mine are considered, as well as applicability for this purpose of a criterion of optimism (maxi-max), the Vald maximin criterion, the Sevidz criterion of the least harm (minimax risk), the Gurvits criterion of the generalized maximin (pessimism-optimism) and criterion of pessimism (мinimin) used in the theory of games. It is shown that in terms of labour protection assessment (in particular, for evaluating efficiency of the emergency control system), the first four criteria are applicable, though not separately but in their combination. In this case, the risk matrix can choose the best control strategy for the liquidation of emergency situation and also makes possible to estimate factors, which, according to the user, can additionally impact on the situation, giving a chance to undertake an initiative, which is impossible when only the formalized procedures are used.


labour protection control, consequence matrix, risk matrix, criterion of optimization, human factor


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About the authors:

Bulat Anatoliy Fedorovich, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor, Director of the Institute, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Bunko Tatyana Viktorovna,Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Senior Researcher, Senior Reseacher in Department of problems of underground mines in great depths, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kokoulin Ivan Yevgeniyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Researcher, Dnipro, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yashchenko Igor Alekseevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Deputy Chief of the Department of labour protection, industrial safety, physical and civil defence, Ministry of Power Engineering and Coal Industry of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.