Kobets A.S., Naumenko M.M., Ponomarenko N.O. Working body for throwing about friable materials

UDC 631.333

A.S. Kobets, Ph. D. (Tech.), Professor,
M.M. Naumenko, Ph. D. (Tech.), Associate Professor,
N.O. Ponomarenko, Senior Teacher

Abstract. Substantiation of construction of working organ for throwing about the friable material is presented.

Keywords: centered working organ, uniformity of distribution over the area, the curved shape of the blade axis

About the authors

Kobets Anatoly Stepanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Professor, Prex, Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Naumenko Nikolay Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor, Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ponomarenko Nataliya Alekseevna, Senior Teacher, Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine