2013, Issue 108

Bulat A.F., Dyrda V.I. Some problems of gas-dynamic phenomena in coal massif in the context of nonlinear no equilibrium thermodynamics
Dyrda V.I., Volovik I.A. Vernadsky biosphere-noosphere concept in the context of sustainable development
Dyrda V.I., Volovik I.A. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
Dyrda V.I., Zvyagilsky Ye.L., Bulat Ye.A., Kobets A.S. Laws governing elastomers long cyclic loading
Kobets A.S., Naumenko M.M., Ponomarenko N.O. Working body for throwing about friable materials
Vasilyev D.L. The improved method of calculation of the ultimate strength of rocks under axial compression
Dyrda V.I., Sokol S.P., Kalgankov Ye.V., Kolbasin V.A., Tolstenko A.V. Calculation of durability of elastic-hereditary environment at a long cyclic loading
Potapenko A.A. The research results of pressure fluctuations distribution along the tube borehole simulator
Novikova A.V. The solution of a problem of compression with shear of prismatic rubber-metal elements
Kalgankov Ye.V. Some problems of hydroabrasive-fatigue wear of details of volume hydraulic drive of mobile machines
Bunko T.V., Kokoulin I.Ye., Golovko S.A. The generalized algorithm of calculation losses of air through the worked out space for different ventilation plans of mining areas
Tolstenko A.V. Method of processing metal in atmosphere of hydrogen
Dyrda V.I., Sokol S.P., Tverdohleb T.Ye., Tolstenko A.V., Ovcharenko Yu.N., Kalgankov Ye.V., Cherniy A.A., Tsanidy I.N. Forecasting of durability of rubber parts by means of applied fracture criteria
Kalgankov Ye.V., Naumenko N.N. Synergetic model of interaction of bodies’ surfaces in the conditions of friction contact of «plunger heel – inclined puck» connection of volume hydraulic drive transmission of mobile machines
Angelovskiy A.A., Vasilyev D.L., Zhulai Yu.A. Ground of working pressure of festering of water at gydroimpulsive loosening of coal layers
Davydov S.L. Estimates of processing of coal and waste their enrichment method steam-plasma gasification
Agaltsov G.N. Vibration insulation of whirlwind amalgamators of sinter plants by means of rubber elements
Bulat A.F., Krukovskaya V.V., Zberovsky V.V. Comparison of parameters of coupled processes mode of massif deformation change and fluid filtration in different modes of water infusion in coal seams
Vasilyev D.L., Polyakov Yu.Ye., Kostandov Yu.A., Lokshina L.Ya. The method of calculating compressive strength of the truncated conical rock samples at a constant contact shear stress
Kasparov A.A., Rasteryaev Y.K., Agaltsov G.N. The breaker of a radial tyre and methods of it’s manufacturing
Usov O.A., Potapenko A.A. The comparison of action energy of water fluctuations cavitation on borehole wall with impact energy of rock breaker on an array
Stetsyuk M.V., Lutsenko S.N. Problems of vibropowers rubber lining operation in the extraction of uranium ore