Potapenko A.A. The research results of pressure fluctuations distribution along the tube borehole simulator

UDC [622.003.5.622.807.2] (0433)

A.A. Potapenko, Doctoral Student

Abstract. Research, carried out in a simulated borehole fluid oscillations of cavitation device with a critical diameter of 2.5 mm, indicates the linear variation of the pressure pulse frequency of backup pressure from 2 to 12 MPa at injection pressure 22 MPa in the range of 1200 to 7000 Hz. The analysis of test results showes that fluid pressure pulsations exist in the entire range of backup pressure from 2 to 12 MPa. It’s established that two peaks of pressure are observed while distribution of fluctuations along the pipeline simulator of borehole. Judging by the nature of the change of pressure pulsations, one can assume that the distribution of pressure pulsations along the pipeline simulator of borehole occurs by analogy of superimposing of two harmonic oscillations with close frequencies. The presence of such maximums in a borehole of layer facilitates the formation of gas exhaust cracks at different distances from the device and improves the efficiency of coal seams degassing.

Keywords: hydroimpulsive cavitations device, simulator of borehole, forward pressure, backup pressure


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About the author

Potapenko Alexandr Alekseevich, Doctoral Student, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IGTM, NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine; Acting CEO of State enterprise «Donbasskaya ugolnaya energeticheskaya kompanya», Donetsk, Ukraine