Angelovskiy A.A., Vasilyev D.L., Zhulai Yu.A. Ground of working pressure of festering of water at gydroimpulsive loosening of coal layers

UDC 622.831.322:532.528

A.A. Angelovskiy
(PJSC «Krasnodonugol’»),
D.L. Vasilyev, Ph. D. (Tech.), Researcher
Yu.A. Zhulai, Ph.D. (Tech.)
(Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of NASU)

Abstract. The theoretical and experimental researches of the dynamic characteristics of the cavitation generator of elastic fluid pressure vibrations during autonomous tests with the entrance pressures Рн = 5, 10 and 20 МPа and in a range of values Рп = 0.2-16 МРа were performed. Pressure at the inlet of cavitation generator Pn = 20 MPa and a flow rate of Q = 55 dm3/min provides a sufficient level of impulse loading on outburst formation at the depth of 1000 m in the range of breastwall pressure Pн = 2-12 MPa. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the generator of elastic vibration at its entrance pressure Рн = 20 МPa and a flow rate of Q = 55 dm3/min satisfy the requirements of minimum required values dependency of the pulses pressure from the frequency of their following to ensure the effective of hydroimpulsive breaking of coal seams.

Keywords: generator of cavitation, impulsive festering, pressure, hydroimpulsive influence


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About the authors

Angelovskiy Aleksander Anatolyevich, CEO of Public Joint Stock Company «Krasnodonugol'», Krasnodon, Ukraine

Vasilyev Dmitry Leonidovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Researcher, Institute of geotechnical mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Zhulay Yuriy Alekseevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Researcher, Principal Researcher, Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ITST NASU), Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine