Rubel A.A., Rubel O.V. Research of different types of ropes and choosing optimal for designs of rope-profile conductor

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 142, 121-133



Rubel A.A., Rubel O.V.


Rubel A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D) (SE «Ukruglerekstrukturizatsiya»)

Rubel O.V., Master of Science (M.S.)(OK, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine)

UDC 622.6:622.674:622.673.1

Language: Russian


In the work, various types of ropes for vertical shaft equipment with rope-profile guides (RPG) were studied; designs of the guides with polymer ropes, ropes combined with fiber and steel wire, steel ropes were studied, their properties and ability of the RPG to stand bending dynamic loads depending on various types of ropes were determined; designs of their fastening to the enclosing box were developed; and weight characteristics were determined for the gearbox.Research and analysis of the use of various types of ropes in the design of the checkpoint showed that the most promising and reliable in operation according to the technical characteristics are combined ropes. Ropes of UHMWPE outperform all options, but separate studies are needed concerning the reduction in rope turnover, methods of their control and the development of measures to combat them. Properly chosen types of ropes, structures of their fastening and enclosing box for the guide should ensure:

- higher speed of cage movement and their greater carrying capacity;

- long trouble-free life for all elements of shaft equipment;

- reduction of capital costs due to smaller diameter of the shaft (by shaft equipment for flexible shaft equipment);

- significant reduction of steel intensity in the shaft equipment compared with flexible shaft equipment with steel ropes;

- reduced level of dynamic oscillations in the “cage-shaft equipment” system;

- improved reliability and safety of the shaft equipment operation;

- reduced level of corrosion of the guides in the flooded shaft;

- no balance ropes;

- longer service life of the shaft equipment guides.

The study and the constructive choice of the most optimal ropes for the RPG will make it possible to implement the shaft equipment, which ensure the most efficient operation of the winder complex in the deeper horizons.


vertical shaft, ropes for RPG, polymer ropes, combined ropes, steel ropes.


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4. Rubel, A.O. (2017), Kanatno-profilnyi providnyk armuvanyi shakhtnogo stovbura [Rope and professional conductors of Armouvnya mine stovbura], State Register of Patents of Ukraine, Kiev, UA, Pat.№ 115478.

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7. Official site “Dyneema”, available at: (Accessed 18/09/2018).

8.  Official site "TEUFELBERGER", available at: (Accessed 18/09/2018).


About the authors:

Rubel Andrey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Chief Power Engineering Specialist of DP «OK «Ukruglerestrukturizatsiya», Kiev, Ukraine, AORubel

Rubel Alexander Vasilievich, Master of Science (M.S.), Ministry of Power Engineering and Coal Industry of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, AORubel