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2018, Issue 142
Krukovskyi O.P., Krukovska V.V. Stress state and filtration permeability of barrier pillars near the isolated fire area
Stefanovich L.I., Molchanov А.N., Кamchatniy А.А., Sobolev V.V., Bilan N.V. Impedance spectroscopy of gas-saturated coal bed under conditions of its slow unloading
Yeliseyev V.I., Lutsenko V.I., Semenenko Ye.V. Empirical parameters of long-term impregnation of porous material samples
Kuzmenko O.M., Petlovanyi M.V., Lozynskyi V.H. Еffect of chemical elements of solid mass of mixtures at filling technogeneous cavities in the earth crust
Mineev S.P., Dyakun I.L., Yashchenko I.A. The influence of volatile substance release on determining coal dust explosiveness
Zemlyanaya Yu.V. Supporting of roadways with big cross-section kept at the border with goaf
Bliznyukov V.G., Lutsenko S.A., Baranov I.V. Development of methodology for determining open pit boundaries
Antipovich Y.V. Methods for determining closed porosity in clastic grains of rocks
Stefanko S.V. Drains of black sands of the northern coast of the azov sea
Dziuba S.V. Аnalysis of modern systems of making decisions on technologies for processing mineral raw material
Semenenko Ye.V., Medvedeva O.O., KyrychkoS.M., Nikiforova N.A. The calculation of parameters and modes of hydrotransport in the development of man-made deposits in the storage of waste products
Govorukha V.V., Makarov Yu.A. Semidetnaia L.P. Іncrease in wear resistance and stability of a rail track of small-diameter curvilinear sections
Semenenko E.V., Ruban V.D., Podolyak K.K., Rizhova S.А. The use of railway tank oscillations for preparing water-coal fuel during its transportation
Rubel A.A., Rubel O.V. Research of different types of ropes and choosing optimal for designs of rope-profile conductor
Сhobotko I.I., TynynaS.V. Methods and means for localization of focals of self-ignition of specific dumps
Cheberyachko S.I., Cheberyachko Yu.I., Stolbchenko O.V., Kravchenko Yu. A. Definition of the respirator protection coefficient by the thermograph of the bottom strip
Bubnova O.А. Surveying support of internal dumping and recultivation of lands when reclamation natural relief forms
Lopatin V.V. Objective technical monitoring of the condition of the sucker rod pumping unit
Larionov H.І., Larionov M.H. About one method of evaluation of freight formalities of metal polymer anker from their effects of its parameters