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2018, Issue 140
Voloshin A.I., Rubel A.A., Rubel A.V., Kuraieva A.V. Rope-profile guides for reinforcing mine vertical shaft
Tripolski V.N., Buryak N.A., Vojtovich Т.G. Technological schemes for supporting reused gate roads by the cast strips
Gankevich V., Moskalova T., Lyvak O., Kravets V. Implementation of the rock thermal cyclic weakening in the diamond drill bits with an elastic console
Nadutyy V.P., Chelyshkina V.V. Development of mathematical models of process of the tuff softening at its watering
Fedoskina О. V. The influence of passive cheek mass in the vibratory grinder on resonance frequencies of its elements
Gorobets L.J., Verhorobina I.V. Regularities of formation of geological material particles granulometry at their destruction
Nadutyy V.P., Suharyev V.V., Kostyrya S.V., Haddad J. Comparative analysis of the complex method of rock mass dehydration and thermal drying
Vasylyev L.M.,Trohimets N.Ya., Vasylyev D.L., Vyalushkin Ye.O. Cavitation device for controlling mode of coal-seam pulse hydroloosening and to prevent sudden outbursts
Franchuk V.P., Svietkina О.Yu., Antsiferov A.V. On the issue of calculation of temperature at the ball shock action in vertical vibration mill
Bezruchko K.А., Pimonenko L.I., Kuznetsova L..D., Drozhzha T.M. Mineral changes in the rocks as indicators of catagenesis transformations of carboniferous stratum
Mineev S.P. The experience of opening of the prone-to-outburst coal bed l3 in the Krasnolimanskaya mine by the tunneling machine
Semenenko Ye.V., Medvedeva O.O., KyrychkoS.M., Tatarko L.G. Specificity of calculation of pipe-line parameters for hydromechanization of washery refuse storage
Govorukha, V.V., Kizilov, V.K., Sobko, T.P., Semidetnaia, L.P. Forming of anchor intermediate rail fastening of innovative technical level
Bunko T.V., Safonov V.V., Matsuk Z.N. Method of natural gas evacuation from subject to repair area of main gas pipeline
Biliaiev N.N., Shynkarenko V.S., Gabrinets V.A., Kalashnikov I.V., Berlov O.V. Modeling of atmosphere pollution and territorial risk assessment at emission of hazardous substances
Chepak O. P., Kostenko V.K., Zavyalova O.L. Determination of hydraulic parameters for geothermal heat exchanger
Chetveryk M.S., Babiy K.V., Bubnova O.A., Grebennik V.N. Geomechanics of the “quarry - internal dump - natural environment” system stability
Dziuba S.V., Dreus A.Yu., Lisenko K.Yе. Gravel filters modeling processes used in field development technologies
Nadutyy V.P., Chelyshkina V.V., Kornienko V.Ya. Development of technology and water-slurry scheme of extraction of amber