Rubel A.A., Rubel А.V. Research and development of optimum constructions for shaft equipment with rope-profile guides

Geoteh. meh. 2018, 139, 31-48



1Rubel A.A.,2Rubel А.V.

1SE ОК «Ukruglerekstrukturizatsiya», 2Ministry of Power Engineering and Coal Industry of Ukraine


Language: Russian


The vertical shafts of mine enterprises are the basic working of mine, which are counted on all term of work of mine and long time after stopping of its exploitation. They equips by armouring with shooting and explorers, in quality explorers use rail or camber profyles, and also explorer and retreat ropes, are used. Search and development of new rope-type armourings for vertical shafts is fixed in basis of research.

In the work, existing methods for equipping the mine shafts were investigated and constructive solutions were developed for equipping the mine shafts on the basis of rope-profile guides with elements for their fixing by tension devices and cantilevered buntons. Development of the design solutions for rope-profile equipping of the mine shafts will overcome short-comings of existing rigid and flexible shaft equipment and ensure: reduction in the number of the guides and buntons located along the depth of the shaft;  higher speed and greater load capacity of skips; longer time period of accident-free operation;  reduction of capital costs due to smaller diameter of the shaft (by the factor of shaft equipment for flexible shaft equipment);  less working hours of maintenance and repair; significant reduction of metal intensity in the shaft equipment in comparison with the rigid shaft equipment;  lower level of dynamic oscillations in the system "skip - shaft equipment";  better damping properties of the shaft equipment; reduction of the shaft aerodynamic resistance up to the level of flexible shaft equipment; higher level of reliability and safety of shaft-equipment operation;  no need to use balance ropes;  longer service life of the guides up to the level of rigid shaft equipment. And, as a direct consequence, higher profitability of mining operations conducted at deep horizons.

Introduction of rope-profyle armourings will allow considerably to promote the level of safe exploitation armourings of  vertical shaft and profitability of lifting complex on the whole.

Keywords: vertical mine shaft, rope-profile guides, skips, buntons, tension devices, ropes.


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About the authors:

Rubel Andrey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Chief Power Engineering Specialist of DP «OK «Ukruglerestrukturizatsiya», Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rubel Alexander Vasilievich, Engineer, Ministry of Power Engineering and Coal Industry of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.