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2018, Issue 139
Larionov G .I., Kiriya R.V. About influence of design tubular-conveyor parameters on the cross section stability at assymetric loading
Nadutyy V.P., Korniyenko V.Ya., Chelyshkina V.V. Results of researches of the аmber emersion under combined impact on suspension
Lapshin Ye.S., Blyuss B.A., Dziuba S.V. Determination of optimal parameters for dynamic low-frequency oscillation dampers
Rubel A.A., Rubel А.V. Research and development of optimum constructions for shaft equipment with rope-profile guides
Maksymova Е.O., Ovchynnikov M.P., Lysenko R.S., Prokopenko K.M. Artificial methane hydrate as additional energy source for Ukraine
Kalinichenko V.О., Pysmennyi S.V., Fedko М.B., Kalinichenko Ye.V. Improvement of extraction room stability during the underground mining operations in the Kryvyi Rih iron-ore basin
Kalinchenko O. V., Stupnik М.I. Investigation and modeling of stress-strain state of the tent and arched crowns
Kiriya R. V., Smirnov A. N. Determination of dynamic force acting on roller supports when belt and weight move along curved section of the tubular conveyer
Dreshpak A.S. Experimental evaluation of the raw material concentration and classification in nonhomogeneous carbonate deposits
Safonov V.V., Cherednichenko L.A., Bogdanova D.Yu., Matyushenko S.Yu. Industrial sanitation and methods for noise reduction
Bunko T.V., Safonov V.V., Strezhekurov E.Ye., Matsuk Z. N. Safety of gas long-distance transport
Mazilin S.D., Yatsukh O.V., Mokhnatko I.N., Zoria M.V. Modelling of the process of dust-air flow movement in the flow sector of the rotary dust separator
Lukinov V.V., Bezruchko K.А., Prykhodchenko O.V., Prykhodchenko S.Y. Estimation of influence of carboniferous stratum structure on density of accumulated anthropogenic resources of coal methane
Biliaiev N.N., Rusakova T.I. Reducing of gas concentration in the air environment
Sobko B.Yu., Lozhnikov O.V. Determination of efficient dragline cut width on the above-ore bench with drainage wells
Kreknin K.A. Organization of emergency-restoration works after explosion of gas on a civil and industrial objects
Kokoulin I.Ye., Yashchenko I.A., Klymenko H.O. System of collective rescue of miners in case of occurring of emergency in coal mine
Baranov V.A., Kirichenko V.A., Antipovich Y.V. Geological processes in sedimentary rocks
Korsunskyi H.Ya., Pavlychenko A.V., Коnоplеvа O.O. Research of technology of mining and technical recultivation in the process of open development of flat fields of deposits