Viktor Kravets, Volodymyr Samusia, Dmytro Kolosov, Kostiantyn Bas, Serhii Onyshchenko. Discrete mathematical model of travelling wave of conveyor transport

Geoteh. meh. 2020, 154, 112-120


1Viktor Kravets, 1Volodymyr Samusia, 1Dmytro Kolosov, 1Kostiantyn Bas, 1Serhii Onyshchenko

National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Language: English

Abstract. A mathematical model of a travelling wave in a matrix form is constructed. A degree of discreteness of the travelling wave and corresponding steps in phase and length are introduced. Asymmetric, unified matrices are compiled, which represent a generalized travelling wave, depending on a degree of discreteness. A generalized, dimensionless travelling wave is transformed into a required one with dimensions by specified technical parameters: amplitude and wavelength that is realized. A dependency of coordinates of points of a plane discrete travelling wave and discrete phase angles is established. A dependency of angular (phase) velocity and velocity of the travelling wave, which corresponds to the known results, is established. The presented matrix mathematical model is considered as an initial stage of technical possibility to realize a continuous travelling wave in a discrete form when developing a new type of transportation – wave transport.


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